01 Oct

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among women in the US with one in 8 women developing this cancer.  It typically develops as a small tumor, or lump, in the tissues throughtut the breast and if left untreated can invade the lymph nodes.  

Early detection is the key.  Self breast exams keep you familiar with the feel of your breasts as well as annual exams and mammograms. 

There are 10 early warning signs to look out for while doing your breast exams at home.

1.) Detection of a lump

2.) Itchy breasts, tissue changes

3.) Swollen breast

4.) Shoulder and neck stiffness

5.) Breast size change

6.) Breast tenderness

7.) Nipple discharge

8.) Nipple sensitivity

9.) Nipple Changes

10.) Dimpled Breast Tissue

These are signs to watch for during your breast exam.  Be sure to stand in front of a mirror after doing your exam with your hands on your waist then lifting toward the sky, then leaning forward.  Keep an eye on your breasts during all these movements to note any changes.

**More to come in October Newsletter

partial content per Dr. Andrea Eisenberg

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