
So, the project is done.  I was like, I can do this, no problem. 

I love challenges and difficult projects.  So I thought.

Too big and too time consuming.  I put probably 50 plus hours in this project, on a roof at 85 degrees.  The Smurf blue first two coats were difficult as they were rubberized. If I stepped on it wrong, it stuck to my feet as rubber will do.  BUT, that was not the hardest part.

The hardest part was the 6 more layers of white paint to cover the blue, Smurf blue.  Most of the time James was busy either working as a Therapist 2 days per week, with me cursing him under my breath for picking this project, or he was laying two rooms with tile.  He really helped with some of this, too, though.  The rubber coats were very difficult and stuck to our shoes.

You see, we are both a bit manic, but no more.  I told him I need a 4 month moratorium on projects.  

I learned that I want to enjoy my retirement, friends, family, personal "indoor" small projects and maybe even have time to read.  Yessss!!!  

There are chapters in our lives that require a lot of effort and this was one.  

This may or may not be a little burnout.  Just be sure when you speak up and agree with your partner husband, etc, consider the consequences.  Really make sure it inspires you, floats your boat, etc.

Life is short, play more.

**I will check back in 4 months to see if I stuck to it, lol.

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I realized it had been a while since I got really dirty, probably 6 months ago landscaping our backyard.

I need to try and be a role model for "getting dirty" and just jumping in, lol.

We have a flat roof on our house with 3 ft parapet type walls.  The roof leaked a lot this last year with the tropical storms moving though.  James and I decided we had to do something about it to improve the security of the roof but also to improve my mental health.

James is a researcher. He found this rubberized product from the US, had it shipped and 16 hours later we rubberized our roof.  I don't remember ever being quite so dirty, but, isn't that what I promote as a good thing?

We still have two more coats, in white, thank God as the house is now known as Casa de Smurf.

We could have hired someone for a ton of money, but we decided to take on the challenge. 

You will see the images of the house on FB.

Don't be afraid to take projects on.  It is only time and a few muscle aches, but we are proud of ourselves that we accepted the challenge.

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I read an article the other day about improving ourselves one percent per day.

I loved it.

When was the last time you tried to do that, or at least changed the rhythm of your life?

I know I bring this subject or ones that are similar, up frequently but I so strongly believe it is one of the keys to happiness.  Or, are you that person who is content with the way things have been for years and don't see a need to challenge yourself?  

Is life looking a bit grey, not so colorful anymore?  Have you and your partner, if you have one, just "doing the do"?

One percent, that is all.   One percent of your 24 hour day is about 14 minutes.  Now you see what i am talking about.  Minimal.

What could you do?  Read, walk, call a friend, see a neighbor, write a post in a diary, meditate, yoga, breathing exercises, quiet, talk to your partner re: a dream, look up positive ideas on the internet, not look at the news, etc, etc.  You get the idea. Tomorrow you will add one minute to this plan, and each day after that.

The whole idea is to make changes.  Good changes in your life.  If you think you are old, well, maybe you are acting old, but to begin a 14 minute challenge is worth it.

We live in very troubling times, so, let's turn that around and start the CHALLENGE.

The CHALLENGE is you challenging yourself.

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This area is dedicated to people who want to explore.

Explore what?

Your capabilities.

My friend in BonAire is crafty, curious and frequently does artful things that I never thought of.  She just joined a group online that specializes in refurbishing items. New for her.  No fear!

When is the last time you tried something new?

Another good friend, Sis, sends me something two to three times per week that she creates.  Sometimes food, sometimes craft, sometimes she has torn her kitchen apart to make it new, refreshed. This gal has no limits and I have learned so much from her.  I love her for it!

If you are bored, please let me suggest you go to Pinterest, other crafty sites or stir up your friends to get ideas and try something new.

When do we stop growing?  Never!  Because that is a short trip to getting old.  If you like that idea, maybe consider re-energizing yourself. The more self-energy you create the more people will want to be around you as your energy is contagious.  

My husband is really wanting me to open a pie shop!  Oh geez was my first reaction.  "You can open it" I told him.  But then I had to challenge my own beliefs that I was too old, not interested, etc. The more I thought about it, I thought, why wouldn't I?  There are a thousand reasons why I wouldn't, but I at least have to check in with myself to see why I so quickly said no.  

Fresh ideas are great for us.  This may not require getting dirty, but do something!

What ideas have you had, whether they came to fruition or not?  Let's share!

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Do you ever get dirty, I mean really dirty? A great deal of you will shun the idea, but it is good for the soul unless you have decided life is best lived on a couch. And even if you made that declaration regarding the couch, deep down you know it is not good for you. Besides not getting any sunshine/Vit D, you are spreading at an amazing rate. Spreading as in getting larger. One of the worst things that you can do as a human is to sit all day at work, then sit all night. The idea of the consequences of that make me shudder. I know, you are thinking it won't happen to you, disease I mean. Possibly you are thinking you will start next week. Don't wait. If you actually go outside and plant flowers, dig up the earth, etc you will feel such satisfaction and learn to not be afraid of worms, lol. I have always been an outdoor girl and am better off for it. My sister is the same way. Genetic? No, learned. We both learned to appreciate the beauty of planting, reaping the rewards of the outcome and feeling the exhaustion at the end of the day. We enjoyed not feeling guilty about a glass of wine with dinner that was well deserved. As previously mentioned I rented a backhoe to put in a cement patio but that is kind of an extreme, MAYBE. Why not challenge yourself? Work cannot fill your soul generally, family can, but there is still you! What fills your soul? Please do not tell me TV. Challenge YOU then turn around and share your progress.

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